General Assembly of The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology, Riga, Latvia, April 18th 2009

Board members present: Asta Krizanauskienè, Brian Lassen, Eva Osterman Lind, Juha Laakkonen, Muza Kirjusina and Inger Sofie Hamnes
Not present: Rune Stensvold

§1 Membership
Local treasurers update the membership lists for their countries and inform the secretary when membership fees have been paid and registered. The secretary keeps a list of active members.
Information on how and where to pay the membership fees in the different countries will be put on the website. Local treasurers should send account numbers etc to Brian.

§2 ICOPA 2014
SBSP has been asked to support the Danish Society for Parasitology as they will apply to be the host country in 2014. Board members should check the possibilities and interest and contact Juha, who will reply on the request.

§3 Web page
Book of abstracts, posters and minutes from the General Assembly will be put on the web site.
Photographs of the board members should be sent to Brian.
Relevant links such as Nova, Finpar etc should be added to the SBSP home page.

§4 Other matters discussed
Brian presented an idea on how to build up a big data base which could be used for teaching or research purposes. Data included could be, for example results from various analyses at the laboratories, numbers of different animal species in the different countries, milk production etc.

Uppsala 29.04.2009
Eva Osterman Lind