Overview of SBSP grants [old overview - not valid]
SBSP Mobility Grant [old form - not valid]
Undergraduate Student Stipend [old form - not valid]
Overview of SBSP grants [old overview - not valid]
SBSP Funding of Parasitological Reviews [old form - not valid]
SBSP Mobility Grant [old form - not valid]
Undergraduate Student Stipend [old form - not valid]
Open PhD position in veterinary parasitology, University of Copenhagen.
Course announcement: "Concepts in Parasitology", Australia, 29th Nov - 15th Dec 2015.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from May 18th 2015 is now available.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from March 10th 2015 is now available.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from February 26th 2015 is now available.
The agenda for the general assembly of the society the 24th April 2015 in Uppsala, Sweden is now available.
Deadline for adding matters to be addressed at the GA is: March 11th 2015. Matters can be addressed to the president of the society.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from January 21st 2015 is now available.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting, 20th May 2016
Board members present: Jakob Skov, Pikka Jokelainen, Vaidas Palinauskas, Rebecca Davidson, Andrea Miller, Age Kärssin, Gunita Deksne
Not present (with notification): -
Minutes can be downloaded here
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from September 15th 2014 is now available.
The application for student travel grants for SBSP6 is now open (deadline is February 1st 2015)
Download application form here
The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology Young Scientist Awards:
Criteria and Regulations for the Young Scientist Award
The society is now offering a stipend for undergraduate students for work in parasitology in the Scandinavian-Baltic region.
The report of Zanda Esīte, the first to receive the SBSP Student Undergraduate Stipend, "FIRST MOLECULAR EVIDENCE OF ALARIA ALATA DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGES IN LATVIA" can be found here.
The website for the next SBSP conference held in Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24th April 2015 is now up with information.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting from May 12th 2014 is now available.
Minutes of the board telephone meeting January 14th 2014 is now available.
Studentship opportunity in UK: "Genetic basis of pathogen resistance in farm and wild fish populations under inbreeding"
Conference announcement, "Current Issues in Echinococcosis", Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-9th October 2014. Read more here.
Congress announcement: 6th Asean Congress of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (ACTMP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-7th March 2014
Minutes of the general assembly of SBSP5 in Copenhagen 11th September 2013 are now available
5th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference will be held in Uppsala, 27-30th May 2014
Vacancy: Post-doc: Archaeo-parasitology, Copenhagen, Denmark
Vacancy: Prof. in medical helminthology at the Inst. of Tropical Medicine, Antwerpen, Belgium
Minutes of board meeting the 24th April 2013 and 17th June 2013 is now available here.
The Final Announcement: International Conference on Malaria and Related Haemosporidian Parasites of Wildlife, to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 7-11August 2013
We are sad to learn that one our honorary members has passed away,
Bo-Jungar Wikgren (1927-2013). In memoriam.
The Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists announce their 15th conference, October 15-19th 2013 in Chernivtsi.
The application form for the SBSP5 Student Travel Form is not available [APPLY]
Minutes of the board meeting September 17th is now available here.
Second Announcement of: International Conference on Malaria and Related Haemosporidian Parasites of Wildlife, Vilnius, Lithuania, 7-11th August 2013
First Announcement of: International Conference on Malaria and Related Haemosporidian Parasites of Wildlife, Vilnius, Lithuania, 7-11th August 2013
9th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, 22nd-27th Sept. 2013, Turku, Finland
"2nd Nordic Malaria Conference" is 13-14th September 2012, Copenhagen. More information here.
The society bulletin is now available in the archive section
Vacant position in parasitology, McGill University, Canada
Starting 1st of January 2013, the membership fee will change to cover a time period of two (2) consecutive years. Members will pay the fee in the beginning of every other year (January of odd-numbered years). As decided by the General Assembly 2011, the two-year membership fee will be 50 € for full membership and 20 € for students and retired members; honorary members do not pay membership fees. Payment to local account of SBSP; non-Nordic/Baltic members to the SBSP treasurer.
Vacant position in parasitology at SVA, Sweden.
Dear members,
After a week without a website we are back!
The old server that had been hosting our website for so long at the University of Iceland suddenly gave up - and our former web address was lost forever. The board quickly decided to make this turn of events an opportunity. We found a new server and bought a domain that is more easy to remember. Please update your links if you refer to our society: http://sbsp.eu.
At the same time we would like to give our sincere thanks to Karl Skirnisson and Arni Kristmundsson who originally designed and managed the website and to The University of Iceland who has kindly hosted the website for so long!
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Abstracts from SBSP4 are available.
Files from SBSP4 in Oslo are available: General assembly minutes, financial report 2009-2011, board meeting 21062011
Dear members,
Following a meeting September 22nd the board discussed the change to bi-annual membership fees as decided at the general assembly in Oslo, June 2011. The board decided to make a temporary adjustment for the convenience of members and treasurers. Membership will continue to be annually until January 2013 from hence the fee will be bi-annual as decided. This decision is to meet the trend of members preferring to pay membership fees up to the coming symposium.
Your board also discussed comments submitted by members. Topics included: specifying guidelines for future student awards, improving financial rapport evaluations, development of a board manual, methods to increase the society's popularity (please notice our Facebook page), and the framework for offering new travel grants within the region.
We would like the members opinions regarding what initiatives they would wish the board to take promoting and strengthening parasitology!
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Pictures of the SBSP4 symposium is now available in the archives
Message from the president,
Dear members,
As the new president I would like to thank the organisers, especially the project leader Tor A. Bakke, and Natural
History Museum in Oslo for the SBSP4 in Olso (19-22nd June 2011). It was a great pleasure and a very well
organised event with lots of interesting research and ideas. I would also like to thank the old board and
president for their work in the previous period and welcome the new.
If You have pictures from the symposium in Oslo, please send them to the webmaster (select maximum 10 please).
There were many very good presentations from students at SBSP4. Three presentations (2 oral and 1 poster)
were honoured for their excellence in mediating their research. The awards were given to: Heidi Aisala,
Raul Ramirez, and Ksenia L. Zueva. Congratulations!
Minutes from the general assembly will be uploaded as soon as they are ratified together with the minutes of
the first meeting of the new board. To meet a proposed requests from a member the board agreed to give
honorary members the oppotunity to attend future symposiums at the same reduced registration fee as students.
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Minutes from board meeting 5.5.2011 and 16.05.2011 are now available
Message from the president,
Dear members,
As you see from the SBSP4 homepage the early registration has been extended until June 1st. There is still time and room to participate with a talk or a poster or put together a session for anyone having important and timely topics they want to address. A recent addition to the program is a session on Echinococcus multilocularis. See you all in a few weeks!
Best Regards
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian -Baltic Society for Parasitology
Agenda for general meeting of the society at the SBSP4 symposium announced
[dowload here]
Nordforsk workshop 2011: "Ascaris spp. in animals and man: emerging issues and new advances in reserach", Faculty of Life Sciences, KU, Denmark. 26-27 May 2011. Contact: Lea E. Hansen
Message from the president,
Dear Members,
Please note that the early registration for the SBSP4 closes May 15th. I also want to remind you that the travel grant applications for students should be submitted by the May 15th. The board aims to decide the recipients within a few days of the deadline. See you all in Oslo!
Best Regards
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian -Baltic Society for Parasitology
Message from the president,
Dear Members,
As the board is now actively preparing the agenda for our next General assembly to be held at the SBSP4, please let me or any other of our board members know the topics that need to be addressed in the assembly. Some things, such as protocol for choosing the presentation award winners, have already been brought to my attention. The board will provide the agenda for members to see well in advance (at least a month) of the meeting. Also, if you are interested in arranging the SBSP5, let us know as soon as possible, so we can include your bid to the agenda. But before that, remember to register for the SBSP4 to be held in Oslo in just a few months!
Best Regards to all
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian –Baltic Society for Parasitology
Course: Avian blood parasites and their assesment in blood. 28th February 2011, Tartu, Estonia.
Message from the president,
Dear members,
I hope the new year is off to a good start and you have already made plans and preregistered to attend the SBSP4 which is rapidly approaching. Please check the home page of this meeting which already provides a lot of information on the oncoming meeting. Hopefully group leaders and other senior scientists encourage their students to attend as the SBSP meetings provide an excellent platform for young scientist to present their results and become part of the parasitological community. To support this, the board decided last year that the society will provide additional travel grants for students to attend this meeting. Finally, I want to thank the board members for their hard work and all SBSP members for their support last year.
Best Regards
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitologists
An announcement from a new parasitological network
Polar Parasitology Network (PoPaN)
Who are we? PoPaN is an international network of parasitologists, wildlife biologists and epidemiologists, health professionals and others who are interested in parasitological issues in polar regions.
PoPaN’s goals: PoPaN highlights important issues in parasitology in Arctic and Antarctic regions, fosters research initiatives and other relevant ideas and collaborative ventures. International meetings provide fora for information exchange and discussion, and enable sharing of techniques and results relevant to parasitology in polar environments.
PoPaN meetings: The most recent PoPaN meeting was held in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway in June 2010. Previous PoPaN meetings (International Workshops on Arctic Parasitology) have been held in Saskatchewan, Canada (2000), in Rovaniemi, Finland (2003), and in Calgary, Canada (2006). PoPaN meetings are organised by different research groups with polar parasitology interests. The next POPAN meeting is scheduled for 2012, venue (proposed Fairbanks, Alaska) to be confirmed.
PoPaN contact details and information: PoPaN is currently chaired by Dr Susan Kutz, University of Calgary, Canada, assisted by regional delegates
Dear Members,
Despite the busy autumn with teaching and research, I hope that you have all found the time to pre-register for the SBSP4. Also, if you haven't done so already, please remember to pay your membership fees.
Best Regards,
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Doctoral course in Estonia: 3D reconstruction of serial sectioned histological samples. 24-26th November 2010.
Few important points from the ICOPA council meeting:
The membership fee of national and regional organizations for WFP will be increased to 25 dollars per year and will be paid electronically in advance prior to the next ICOPA. Until now, it has been only 5 dollars per year and have been paid in cash at the meeting.
WFP has quite a few new members (check their web site once it is updated), at this council meeting 46 societys had voting rights.
WFP board continues the same except Alan Cowman was elected as the new president.
Minutes of the boards meeting the June 15th is now available
The SBSP4 website is now ready
Dear Members,
Greetings from the ICOPA XII which was a successful meeting with over 1800 participants from over 90 countries. Unfortunately for us, the next ICOPA will not be in Copenhagen but in Mexico City. The international parasitological community was lucky to have had four good bids to arrange the next ICOPA. The hard work of our Danish friends was not a waste of time or effort but instead they put us on the map with a meeting plan which was very modern, exciting and full of possibilities for scientific discoveries. I have seldom seen a promoting campaign done with so much class and style with the science always in the forefront. Please join me for thanking Jørgen Kurtzhals and his team for their dedicated work.
Best Regards to all,
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Dear members,
The webpages of the SBSP4 are now open. Please take a few minutes to check them out and complete the pre-registration form to ensure that you receive important updates on the congress. I hope to see many of you at ICOPA next week.
Best Regards
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Message from the president
Dear Members,
Get your calenders out because the dates and venue for the SBSP4 have been decided! We continue to provide additonal information about the meeting as it comes available. Our society supports participation to SBSP4 by
offering additional travel grants (besides the traditional presentation awards) for students.
Best Regards!
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Message from the President
Dear members,
The complete Danish bid for XIII ICOPA 2014 is now available on the internet. In it you will find all the relevant information you may need in order to distribute information about this bid and support it. As you know, our Society officially supports the Danish bid which is in itself, thanks to the hard work of our Danish collagues and their international network, a tremendous boost for the field of parasitology in our region.
Best Regards to all
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD) congress. Netherlands 15-17th September 2010.
NOVA Ph.D.-course in Veterinary Parasitology: Prevention and treatment of parasitic infections. 20-24 September, Tuusula, Finland.
Application deadline: 16th May.
International symposium: Parasites of the Holarctic Region. 4-8 October 2010, Petrozavodski, Russia.
Message from the President
Dear members,
I would like to draw your attention to the preliminary information on the SBSP4 found on this page. We will continue to provide additional information on the meeting as soon as it becomes available. Also, please reduce the work load of our treasurers by paying your membership fees now, so that reminder notices are not needed.
Best Regards
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology
Fourth International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology (IWAP IV) 1-4th June 2010, Svalbard, Norway. This workshop is open to all who are interested in or involved in work regarding parasites and health in northern and Arctic ecosystems.
First news on the SBSP4 meeting is posted here on our front page!
Estonian symposium, Tartu University, Estonia (in Estonian):
Inter-specific ecological interactions and biodiversity:
Parasitism, symbiosis, co-evolution
Date announced in March 2010. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Announcing the next NOVA course in Advanced Parasitology: Prevention and treatment of parasitic infections. 20-24th September 2010.
SBSP funding of reviews in parasitology.
Message from the President
Seasons Greetings to all,
As the year 2009 is coming to an end, I would like to thank the SBSP board and all our members and collaborators for their hard work and support this year. The board is hoping to broaden the activities of the society next year. One of the ways is to start providing financial support for parasitological reviews aiming to bring little known parasitological literature available in English (for details see the news section).
On behalf of the board wishing everyone a peaceful and productive New Year !
Juha Laakkonen
President of Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitology
Ph.D. project in the field of ecology (Iceland) announced. Read more here. [position now closed]
SBSP joins the official Danish bid for the ICOPA2014 conference. Read it here.
Message from the President
Dear members,
Because our Danish board member, Rune Stensvold, has moved abroad due to his work and is not able to continue as a board member, the board has agreed to have Jakob Skov as an acting board member for Denmark to ensure transfer of information to and from our Danish members. Jakob has also taken over Rune's responsibilites as a local treasurer. We thank Rune for his board work and wish him the best in his new position, as well as for Jakob in his new role.
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian Baltic Society for Parasitologists
Announcement of upcoming seminar in parasitology
The impact of Echinococcus multilocularis on society
Brussels, November 24, 2009
Click here to download the invitation
Announcement of PhD in parasitology: 16th December 2009, 10:00, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 62, room YP-17, Tartu, Estionia. Defending: Brian Lassen. Opponent: Arwid Daugschies.
Board telephone meeting, read the minutes
Minutes of SBSP3 are available in the
More pictures added from SSP3 in the archives
Net-Vet-Par meeting in Riga
Dear members,
Following a meeting September 22nd the board discussed the change to bi-annual membership fees as decided at the general assembly in Oslo, June 2011. The board decided to make a temporary adjustment for the convenience of members and treasurers. Membership will continue to be annually until January 2013 from hence the fee will be bi-annual as decided. This decision is to meet the trend of members preferring to pay membership fees up to the coming symposium.
Your board also discussed comments submitted by members. Topics included: specifying guidelines for future student awards, improving financial rapport evaluations, development of a board manual, methods to increase the society's popularity (please notice our Facebook page), and the framework for offering new travel grants within the region.
We would like the members opinions regarding what initiatives they would wish the board to take promoting and strengthening parasitology!
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Message from the president,
Dear members,
As the new president I would like to thank the organisers, especially the project leader Tor A. Bakke, and Natural
History Museum in Oslo for the SBSP4 in Olso (19-22nd June 2011). It was a great pleasure and a very well
organised event with lots of interesting research and ideas. I would also like to thank the old board and
president for their work in the previous period and welcome the new.
If You have pictures from the symposium in Oslo, please send them to the webmaster (select maximum 10 please).
There were many very good presentations from students at SBSP4. Three presentations (2 oral and 1 poster)
were honoured for their excellence in mediating their research. The awards were given to: Heidi Aisala,
Raul Ramirez, and Ksenia L. Zueva. Congratulations!
Minutes from the general assembly will be uploaded as soon as they are ratified together with the minutes of
the first meeting of the new board. To meet a proposed requests from a member the board agreed to give
honorary members the oppotunity to attend future symposiums at the same reduced registration fee as students.
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Message from the President
Dear members,
Because of some technical difficulties we were unable to upload and update our website for a while but it should be running smoothly again. Among other new additions, minutes of the General Assembly in Riga and the latest board meeting are now available on the webpage. Muza Kirjuzina also kindly provided photos from the Riga meeting for the webpage.
Best Regards to all
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
A new poster for promoting the society is ready. Please print and share at your university!
Message from the president
Dear members,
First of all, I want to thank the organizing and scientific committees of the Riga meeting for a successful scientific program and pleasant social activities in the beautiful old town of Riga. While our symposiums have always been successful in activating collaboration and exchange of ideas and information between members, it has proven to be a challenge for the society to keep members actively informed and involved in the society’s activities between symposium times. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to regularly update the society’s webpage. We are aiming to find a balance between the recognition of old achievements, and the posting of new information about and for the members of the society as well as for the potential new members. Please share any ideas or suggestions you may have concerning this webpage by contacting any of the board members. For technical questions and links for relevant webpages, please contact our new webmaster This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Best Wishes to all,
Juha Laakkonen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology
Below is the complete list of published journal, freely available.
ISSN 0803-4907