Dear members,
Following a meeting September 22nd the board discussed the change to bi-annual membership fees as decided at the general assembly in Oslo, June 2011. The board decided to make a temporary adjustment for the convenience of members and treasurers. Membership will continue to be annually until January 2013 from hence the fee will be bi-annual as decided. This decision is to meet the trend of members preferring to pay membership fees up to the coming symposium.
Your board also discussed comments submitted by members. Topics included: specifying guidelines for future student awards, improving financial rapport evaluations, development of a board manual, methods to increase the society's popularity (please notice our Facebook page), and the framework for offering new travel grants within the region.
We would like the members opinions regarding what initiatives they would wish the board to take promoting and strengthening parasitology!
Brian Lassen
President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology